New Relic vs Datadog

October 11, 2021

New Relic vs Datadog: Which One is Better?

DevOps teams need tools to monitor their applications and infrastructure to ensure they are running smoothly. Two of the most popular tools for this purpose are New Relic and Datadog. But how do they compare?

User Interface

One of the most important aspects of a monitoring tool is its user interface. After all, what good is data if you can't understand it? Both New Relic and Datadog have clean, easy-to-use interfaces that provide extensive information about your applications and infrastructure.

In terms of customization, Datadog has a slight edge. It allows you to create custom dashboards to better suit your needs. However, New Relic's out-of-the-box dashboards are just as informative and useful.


Both New Relic and Datadog offer a wide range of features for monitoring your applications and infrastructure. However, New Relic has a wider selection of features out of the box, while Datadog requires you to enable some features separately.

For example, New Relic offers built-in APM and distributed tracing. Datadog requires you to enable these features separately. That being said, Datadog offers features such as network performance monitoring and serverless monitoring that New Relic does not offer.


Pricing is a crucial factor when choosing a monitoring tool. Both New Relic and Datadog have similar pricing models, although Datadog offers a free plan that New Relic does not.

For paid plans, both tools charge by the number of hosts or instances you are monitoring. Datadog offers more flexibility with its pricing plans and allows you to pay per hour for on-demand monitoring.


Ultimately, the most important factor when choosing a monitoring tool is how well it performs. In this regard, both New Relic and Datadog are top-notch.

However, Datadog has a slight edge when it comes to performance monitoring. Its anomaly detection capabilities are more advanced and allow you to detect issues faster.


New Relic and Datadog are both excellent monitoring tools for DevOps teams. Which one is better depends on your specific needs. If you are looking for a tool with advanced customization options and network performance monitoring, Datadog may be the better choice. If you want a tool with more out-of-the-box features for APM and distributed tracing and better payment options, New Relic may be the way to go.


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